Archive for the ‘Software’ Category

Pernahkah anda mengalami saat-saat mengerjakan tugas, atau sedang mengerjakan seseuatu yang langsung dikerjakan di komputer atau laptop? Dan pernahkah anda mengerjakannya pada saat tubuh lelah? dan sangat mengantuk? Atau mungkin bila anda hanya bisa tertidur apabila mendengarkan musik lyang di mainkan langsung dari komputer??
Namun, apabila semua yang di atas di kerjakan, dan ternyata anda tertidur tapi lupa untuk mematikan komputer atau laptop (dengan dalih takut boros listrik)?

Kini anda jangan khawatir, kita bisa mematikan, shutdown, turn off komputer ataupun laptop kita dengan otomatis. Perlu software khusus? Ya, ada.. namun penginstallannya yang ribet, belum lagi pencarian software yang sayapun belum begitu mengetahui nama program tersebut. heehehe…

Tanpa Software, atau program Read the rest of this entry »

Adobe FlashSalah satu keunggulan para hacker adalah mereka dapat mendeteksi celah pada suatu aplikasi lebih awal. Termasuk tujuh celah berbahaya pada Flash Player yang ditemukan pada ajang hacking. Jika anda pecandu berat Internet dan menggunakan sistem operasi Windows, kemungkinan komputer Anda terdapat celah berbahaya akibat aplikasi Adobe Flash Player yang tidak di-update. Aplikasi Adobe Flash terbaru telah dirilis, memperbaiki tujuh celah yang dapat menjalankan kode .exe berbahaya di sistem Windows. Kode .exe berbahaya dapat dengan mudah dibuat oleh para hacker, kemudian menyebarkannya melalui Internet. Adobe telah memperbaiki aplikasi Flash Player dan menambal tujuh celah berbahaya yang biasanya digunakan untuk halaman web interaktif dan iklan online. Read the rest of this entry »

Ever have the desire to block a particular application so as not to be used by anyone? Many reasons for doing so, there is because you don’t want the application, but you can’t be uninstall, for example Internet Explorer browser. Applications that would endanger the system if used. If there are applications that can do it all must be calm when you leave the computer to be used by anyone.

AppLocker (Application Locker) comes with a compact display and can help you to prevent the application passes that we want. Doing so does not block the application active in the system can actually be done without the help of third-party applications, for example through the Local Security Policy, but no one as quickly and as easily as AppLocker. Applications are very useful if the computer is used by many people without a separate account

When you first run the application will display a list of computer applications including the popular, such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Nero Burning Rom and others. These applications will be displayed even though it is not installed on your computer. Put a check in one application from the list to prevent the application running / active.

at the time you need to do a block of applications other than in the list, then you need to do is to click the configure button. After open the Configuration window enter the applications installed on the computer with the extension. Exe and fill in the caption with the name of the application. sdangkan applications previously on the list, you can also delete them in the configure window.

AppLocker available for free, with only 991 KB size, and has been designed to run on terminal servers and workstations. but this application does not have his own protection, so that others can easily access these applications and make changes to the arrangements that have been made.

but this application can be for you to test.

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation. A Net Applications survey put Firefox at 25% of the recorded usage share of web browsers as of November 2009[update], meaning Firefox is used by about 1 in 4 internet users, making it the second most popular browser in terms of current use worldwide after Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, and the most used browser independent of any one operating system.

Firefox source code is free and open source software, and is tri-licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL), GNU General Public License (GPL), and the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).[11] These licenses permit anyone to view, modify, and/or redistribute the source code, and several publicly released applications have been built on it; for example, Netscape, Flock, Miro, Iceweasel, and Songbird make use of code from Firefox.

In the past, Firefox was licensed solely under the MPL, which the FSF criticizes for being weak copyleft; the license permits, in limited ways, proprietary derivative works. Additionally, code under the MPL cannot legally be linked with code under the GPL or the LGPL. To address these concerns, Mozilla re-licensed Firefox under the tri-license scheme of MPL, GPL, and LGPL. Since the re-licensing, developers have been free to choose the license under which they will receive the code, to suit their intended use: GPL or LGPL linking and derivative works when one of those licenses is chosen, or MPL use (including the possibility of proprietary derivative works) if they choose the MPL.

the latest version of Firefox currently is version 3.5. Things move quickly online, and we’ve beefed up the engine that runs Firefox to make sure you can keep up: Firefox 3.5 is more than twice as fast as Firefox 3, and ten times as fast as Firefox 2.* As a result, Web applications like email, photo sites and your favorite social networks will feel snappier and more responsive.

We’ve been working hard to make sure Firefox 3.5 brings you the best of the modern web. With new features like private browsing, tear-off tabs and enhancements to the Awesome Bar, plus major performance enhancements, you’ll enjoy life on the cutting edge.

Mozilla Firefox 3.5 download

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